
Intended use of the Library’s 3D printer is primarily as an educational tool.

  • All print jobs must be submitted to a staff member for processing
  • Print files must be in STL format
  • Print jobs cannot exceed 3 hours in length
  • Staff will contact you with questions regarding your print via email, a rough timeline of when it will be completed, and how much it will cost.* 
  • Staff will notify you via email when the print is complete.

 * Price - 5 cents per gram currently, but can change at any time. 

 DISCLAIMER – 3D Printing is a process that is complicated and often involves troubleshooting.  We cannot guarantee we will be able to complete a print job.  We will contact you ASAP if this is the case.

 Library staff reserve the right to refuse to print items that are:

  • Prohibited by local, state or federal law
  • Unsafe, harmful, dangerous or pose an immediate threat to the well-being of others.
  • Obscene or otherwise inappropriate for the Library environment.
  • Violate copyright or intellectual property rights of another.  

 The Library is not responsible for the subsequent safety of any item made with the 3D printer.

 Items not picked up after a month will become the property of the Warwick Public Library.

Approved by Board of Trustees 8/2018

The Warwick Public Library is dedicated to protecting the rights and safety of Library users, volunteers, and staff. Our goal is to enable all Library visitors to enjoy a welcoming, safe, clean, and secure environment. Each person is expected to respect the rights of others and comply with the following library use guidelines while on Library property.  In order to achieve that goal, Library staff and Library users must act in partnership to ensure that everybody can experience a pleasant, and productive environment for study, research, information, and entertainment.


Respectful Behaviors

  • Patrons must respect the rights of other patrons and must not interfere with the use of the Library by other patrons, or interfere with library employees’ performance of their duties.  Unacceptable behavior includes any form of harassment which could result in physical, emotional, or mental injury to oneself or others, or when it could result in damage to library facilities, equipment or materials.
  • Patrons must be fully clothed including shirt and shoes.
  • Mobile phone use is restricted to the foyer and entrance hall. Mobile phones should be set to the silent mode.
  • The volume on personal listening devices must be adjusted so as to be inaudible to other patrons and library staff.


Disruptive Behaviors

  1. Patrons must not engage in illegal activities within the library or on library grounds.
  2. Patrons must not be in possession of and/or under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs.
  3. Patrons must not smoke cigarettes or  e-cigarettes/vaping devices, or use tobacco or tobacco products in the library or outside of the building within 50 feet of any entrance or window.
  4. Patrons must not deface or mar books, magazines, newspapers, recordings, or other items of the library collection nor shall they deface, mar, or in any way destroy or damage library furnishings, walls, machines, or other library property.
  5. All bags and other articles are subject to inspection by security and other authorized personnel with reasonable cause.  Library staff may remove unattended personal articles.
  6. Patrons whose bodily hygiene is offensive so as to generate multiple complaints from other patrons will be required to leave the building.
  7. Patrons must not bring animals into the Library, other than those service animals permitted under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
  8. Wheeled equipment, such as bicycles,  skateboards, scooters or skates may not be used in the Library or on Library grounds.  Scooters must be folded and carried.  Bicycles must be left outside the building in the bicycle rack.
  9. Solicitation, distribution of leaflets, taking surveys, asking for petition signatures, or similar activity is not allowed within the building except with prior approval of the Library Director.



Enforcement of the Code of Conduct will be applied equitably. The Library reserves the right to make reasonable accommodations to this Code of Conduct.


In the event unacceptable conduct occurs, the Warwick Public Library staff may take the following actions as appropriate to the situation:


  • Anyone not complying with this Code of Conduct or any other reasonable request of the staff will first be worked by the Library staff and will be advised of the next course of action to be taken by the Library if the unacceptable behavior continues.
  • If the individuals continue to violate the Code of Conduct rules after being warned to discontinue unacceptable behavior, Library staff are authorized to direct individuals to leave the Library premises immediately.
  • If a person does not obey an order to leave the building, staff shall request assistance of the Police Department to remove the person from the building.
  • If the unacceptable conduct constitutes a violation of criminal law or the City’s Municipal Code, staff shall immediately request police assistance.


A person who has left the library or has been removed from the library due to noncompliance with this policy may be readmitted to the library if staff determines that the person’s unacceptable conduct has ceased.


 Approved by Warwick Public Library Board of Trustees 10/16/2013

Revised by Warwick Public Library Board of Trustees on 12/18/2023



Library Use Guidelines

Please Do:

  • Ask a librarian for help
  • Expect prompt, efficient, courteous treatment from Library staff
  • Check out circulating books and other materials
  • Make appropriate use of interlibrary loan services
  • Suggest new materials and services
  • Expect the Library to buy current best sellers and popular materials
  • Read, study, or use Library materials
  • Expect a clean, safe, reasonably quiet building




Please Do Not:

  • Engage in any illegal activity or behavior
  • Harass other Library patrons or Library staff
  • Vandalize library facilities, equipment, or materials
  • Use obscene or inappropriate language or behaviors
  • Use cell phones in public service areas of the Library
  • Smoke cigarettes or e-cigarettes or use other tobacco products in the Library
  • Enter the Library under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Enter the Library without wearing a shirt or shoes
  • Bring in animals except those licensed as aides for the disabled
  • Sell, solicit, panhandle or loiter on Library premises
  • Rollerblade, skate, or skateboard in the Library or on Library walkways
  • Leave bicycles in the vestibule or hallway—there is a bike rack available


Anyone who fails to observe these guidelines may be asked to leave the premises.

Bicycles left in the Library will be moved to the bike rack.




Approved by Warwick Public Library Board of Trustees 10/16/2013

Revised by Warwick Public Library Board of Trustees on 12/18/2023

The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance for the selection and evaluation of materials; to ensure that the collection is balanced and responsive to community needs; and to support the Warwick Public Library’s mission and commitment to intellectual freedom.


Library’s Mission Statement
Our mission is to improve the quality of life in Warwick through learning, personal discovery, and the free flow of information and ideas.


Collection Goals

  • To provide library materials that are responsive to and anticipate the needs of the community and library users ;
  • To support the Library’s mission as stated above;
  • To provide the best, most current information in a user friendly arrangement; and
  • To build a diverse collection reflecting our community and containing content by and about a wide array of people and cultures to authentically represent a variety of ideas, information, stories, and experiences.


The overall responsibility for the collection and library resources rests with the Library Director and the Manager of Collections. The responsibility for selecting and evaluating is delegated to qualified and knowledgeable staff who employ the criteria outlined in this policy.


Selection Criteria

Materials are selected to support the library’s mission.  Factors considered include:

  • Individual merit of each item, including reviews in professional and popular sources
  • Popular interest/demand, including hold ratio
  • Accuracy of information
  • Authoritativeness of writer
  • Clear presentation and readability
  • Community needs and interest
  • Creative/literary quality
  • Existing library holdings and holdings of other OSL libraries
  • Online, network, and remote access capabilities
  • User interface and content of electronic products
  • Currency of information
  • Cost & availability

Selection aids may include:

  • Reviews in professionally recognized periodicals and journals
  • Recommendation lists from professional organizations, awards, etc.
  • Recommendations from vendors based on current and projected demands
  • Purchasing activity of other libraries in OSL
  • Advice of recognized authorities in specific subject areas
  • Patron requests


The Library does not purchase or acquire textbooks.


Collection Arrangement & Classification

The Library of Congress Classification System is the primary organizational scheme at the Warwick Public Library. Separate collections, such as New Books, the Career Collection, Travel Guides, and Children’s Biographies are considered when the demand and use is high, and access is improved by a separate arrangement.

Ensuring that the collection is easy to access and browse is a priority.

Electronic Formats

The Library offers access to subscription databases and digital collections. The selection of digital collections will follow the same general criteria as that of our physical collections. The Library also provides access to digital collections that are offered through Ocean State Libraries and through AskRI.

Greene Collection
The Library maintains a historical collection containing materials of interest in state and local history. These materials are non-circulating, and considered part of the Reference Department. They are weeded based upon relevance and duplication. Additional titles are purchased for circulation if interest warrants. 


Local Author Collection
The Library welcomes the growing opportunities new self-publishing technologies offer local writers for self-expression. The Library maintains a “Local Author Collection” for recent works, those published within the previous three years, written by authors living in Rhode Island. Authors wishing to contribute books to this section must meet the following criteria:

  • The item must be bound strong enough for at least 20 circulations.
  • Works with CDs or DVDs will not be accepted.
  • Contributed books must include the real name of the author, full title, date of publication, summary, place of publication and number of pages so that the item can be cataloged.
  • Books become the property of the library and will not be returned.
  • Items will be retained on the Local Authors Shelf at the Library’s discretion for up to two years.

As with all materials submitted for consideration, the Library reserves the right to decide not to add an item to the Collection. Author donations are limited to 3 items with only one copy of each title.


See Local Author Donation Form below.


Scope of the Branch Libraries

Branch libraries serve the needs of the communities in which they are located. Collections of the branch libraries concentrate on materials of high interest and demand. They are weeded regularly to make room for new materials.

Limitations & Priorities

The Warwick Public Library recognizes that some materials may cover topics that are controversial or include mature content. Selection of such materials are made on criteria detailed in this policy without bias. Responsibility for the reading/viewing/listening of materials rests with their parents or legal guardians for those who are underage. Selection of materials will not be inhibited by the possibility that materials may come in to the possession of children. 


Should you wish to have an item from the Library’s collection re-evaluated, please fill out a Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials form, and the item will be re-evaluated based on the criteria described in this policy.


See Appendix A for the Library Bill of Rights


Collection Maintenance

To ensure the collection continues to provide timely service to the public and support our mission, damaged and outdated materials will be removed from the collection regularly. Factors considered in removing materials from the collection include:

  • Physical condition of the material
  • Item contains misleading or inaccurate information
  • Multiple copies of the title are no longer in demand
  • Seldom used materials
  • Subject matter no longer of current interest or historical/literary significance
  • Old editions replaced by later revisions of non-fiction titles
  • Another item or format might better serve the purpose


Collection management staff will coordinate collection maintenance activities with branch library staff supervising activities and making final decisions related to removal of items from their collections, or designate librarians to make these decisions.  Discarded materials may be donated to local schools or city agencies, the Friends’ of the Library book sale, Discover Books or Books Are Wings.




In the case that an item is withdrawn from the collection due to loss, damage, or wear, the title will be examined, and based on availability and the criteria in this policy, may or may not be replaced. The replacement of an item depends on both budget constraints and patron demand. As a result, the item might not be replaced.

Collection Evaluation

In order to maintain a strong, relevant, up to date collection, the Manager of Collections will work with staff to provide ongoing collection analysis.  Through ongoing quantitative and qualitative methods, staff members will monitor the collection to see whether or not it continues to serve the needs and interests of the public.  Evaluation techniques will include but not be limited to the following:

  • Usage data (number of checkouts, last checkout date, turnover rate, etc.)
  • Collection holding data (age of collection, distribution of materials, etc.)
  • Patron and staff recommendations
  • Lists of “Best Materials” published by library organizations, library and professional review sources


Interlibrary Loan

The Library is able to send requests to other libraries for materials not held within the Ocean State Libraries consortium. Not every item can be obtained through these means, though Library staff will make every effort to arrange for interlibrary loan. There may be a fee associated with such a loan due to shipping costs.


Gifts/Donated Materials

Gifts are evaluated according to the same selection criteria as purchased materials. The Library welcomes gifts in good condition with the understanding that any unneeded, duplicate, or damaged materials may be offered to another library, sold or disposed of. While appraisals of gift materials will not be made, the library will acknowledge their receipt in writing to the donor. Many donated items may be included in the Friends of the Library Book Sale to raise funds to support the Library. The Library does not accept donations of textbooks, encyclopedias, magazines, or videocassettes.


Monetary donations are accepted for the purchase of library materials.  In the case of memorial gifts, the library makes every effort to acquire material on a subject specified by the donor.  A special bookplate designates memorial gifts.


See Appendix D for Gift Policy

Reconsideration of Library Materials

Patrons may request the Library reconsider materials which they find to be objectionable with the “Request for Reconsideration” form, available at service desks.  Users provide personal information, such as name, address, and telephone number, specific information about the material such as title, author and format, and what is found to be objectionable. Users are requested to be as specific as possible.  Requests are sent to the Library Director.  The Library Director will acknowledge receipt of the form within two weeks.


The Library Director, after reviewing the recommendation, will render a decision as to whether the library material remains on the shelf or is removed from the collection and will notify patron of said decision. A final appeal may be made to the Library Board of Trustees. During the process, the material in question will remain on the shelf and be available for circulation.


See Appendix for Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials Form.

In accord with our Mission Statement, the Warwick Public Library endeavors to develop resources and services to meet the informational needs of our community. Advances in technology have made possible many new library resources, some of which are used and accessed in ways different from print media. This statement is intended to outline library policies and user responsibilities regarding electronic resources and the Internet. Most electronic information resources, including the Internet, are accessed through public-access computer workstations at the Library. Use of any computer workstation shall constitute acceptance by the user of the Library's policies, and agreement to follow these policies. This acceptance is reaffirmed each time a workstation is used.


The Internet is a global electronic network that offers access to a nearly unlimited variety of materials and information. However, the quality of that information varies greatly. Not all resources on the Internet provide information that is accurate, complete, current, or legal. Some Internet sites contain material that you may find to be offensive, disturbing, and inappropriate for children. The Warwick Public Library does not monitor and has no control over the content of materials on the Internet, which often changes rapidly and unpredictably.


Users are responsible for the choice of Internet sites that they visit, and the Warwick Public Library cannot be held responsible for the contents of any site. Just as the Library does not vouch for or endorse the viewpoints of written materials, we do not do so for electronic information, including Internet sites.


Library staff can provide guidance to users, and suggest appropriate sites. Our home page offers easy and convenient access to valuable local, national, and international resources.


In no event shall the Warwick Public Library have any liability for lost profits or for any direct or indirect special, punitive, or consequential damages, or any liability to a third party, even if the Library is advised of the possibility of such damages, arising from the use of its connection to the Internet.


As with other library materials, restriction of a child's access to the Internet is the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian. The Warwick Public Library does not serve in loco parentis; the Library cannot usurp the right and responsibility of parents and guardians to supervise children's use of the Internet. Please read "My rules for Online Safety" and the pamphlet "Parents, Kids, and the Internet" for more information. Our Kids Page provides a great starting point for children's use of the Internet.



 All users of computer workstations must agree to abide by the following rules:

  • Computers will not be used for illegal activities, to access illegal materials, or to access materials that by local community standards would be obscene.
  • The installation, downloading, or modification of software is prohibited.
  • Users will make no attempts to modify or gain access to system files, passwords, or data.
  • Users will make no changes in the setup or configuration of software or hardware.
  • Users will make only authorized copies of software or data, and are responsible for compliance with all international, national, and state laws governing copyrighted materials.
  • Users will end their session and leave the workstation when asked to do so by Library staff.
  • Under no circumstances may personal software or equipment be used on the Library's workstations or network.
  • Users shall not behave in a way that intrudes upon the rights of others. Users are prohibited from invading the privacy of other library users, harassing the Library staff or users, and damaging or disrupting computer equipment.
  • No library user is permitted to use a computer to view obscenity, child pornography, or to display any illegal content, or, if a minor, to view materials harmful to minors in violation of federal, state and/or local laws.
  • All users agree to abide by the decision of Library staff regarding any and all use of computer equipment.
  • The Library reserves the right to restrict access to particular Internet sites, or to limit use of equipment for any reason deemed to be in the best interest of the community. Web management software may be employed to accomplish the objectives of these policies. Any individual whose behavior violates Library policies or otherwise misuses computer resources will be subject to the loss of computer privileges, potential loss of library privileges, and possible prosecution.


Approved by Library Board of Trustees 6/28/02

In keeping with the mission of the Warwick Public Library, the Library serves as a distribution point for community information related to civic, cultural, and educational organizations, events, or services that are of general interest to the community. An information table may be reserved by local community organizations, governmental departments, or other non-profit groups providing services and resources to the community to disseminate information. Tabling requests must provide a community service that aligns with the Library’s mission. Preference will be given to organizations serving the City of Warwick and its residents.


Information tables may be used for the following types of information:

  • Information on forthcoming or continuing educational, social, civic, charitable, cultural or recreational events and activities.
  • Flyers, brochures, or schedules of local nonprofit organizations, groups or agencies.
  • Postings by any federal, state, or local government agency providing services to citizens.
  • Announcements of community services and volunteer opportunities.



  1. Each organization requesting use of the Information Table must request the table with at least 72 hours’ notice by contacting Library administration at 739-5440 x6 or the Reference Desk at 739-5440 x4. Requests will be considered on a first come, first served basis.
  2. The Library reserves the right to designate the time, location, and size of the table. These criteria should be discussed in advance with Library staff.
  3. Displays, exhibits, and tables must not restrict traffic flow or normal library operations. Walkways should remain clear of obstacles and be responsive to ADA compliance and the fire code. No library materials or furniture may be moved to set up displays or tables without permission. Table staff should not physically obstruct people in order to speak with them. They may speak to people as they pass by.
  4. Any equipment that is part of the display must not disrupt library business (e.g. excessive noise, distracting lights). The Library is not responsible for damages to equipment.  The Library will not provide equipment.
  5. Organizations exhibiting or tabling in the library must be non-commercial unless they are pursuant to a partnership with the Library.
  6. The imagery and content of tabling displays should be appropriate for public library use (i.e. one that is free and open to persons of all ages).  Exhibits or displays that promote discrimination against persons or groups will be refused.
  7. Promotional giveaways at tables are permitted as long as they do not interfere with the daily conduct of library business. Any food provided as a giveaway must be prepackaged.
  8. No sales are permitted. The information must be provided at no cost to the public.
  9. Exhibitors and table staff are responsible for their work and agree not to hold the library liable for any loss, theft or vandalism.  The Library will provide no special security or security personnel.
  10. Materials provided for the public at the information table are different from the Library’s collection of print and non-print materials and are not selected by library staff. The Library does not accept responsibility for the accuracy of statements made in these materials. The fact that a group is permitted to an information table at the Warwick Public Library does not in any way constitute an endorsement of the group's policies and/or beliefs. 
  11. If an exhibit or table is canceled, the exhibitor may reschedule the exhibit or table at the earliest convenience of the Library and the exhibitor.

The Warwick Public Library is a member of the Ocean State Libraries (OSL) consortium and the Library of Rhode Island (LORI).  This policy will defer to OSL and LORI rules should there be a conflict.

Anyone with a library card issued at an OSL library may freely borrow materials from the Warwick Public Library.

Interlibrary loan service is available to valid library card holders, except those holding local-use-only cards.  Library holdings may be requested via the OSL electronic catalog.  These include materials belonging to any public library in Rhode Island, as well as materials owned by college and university libraries that are members of LORI.  Availability of these items is dependent on the owning library’s policies.  Items not found in LORI libraries can be requested from out of state.  A one-way shipping charge is required for out-of-state materials and requests are limited to five per month.

 Warwick Public Library materials that can be reserved are available for interlibrary loan with the exception of items classified as equipment or ereader.

Approved by Trustees 11-19-15, Rev. 3-28-18

Guidelines for Borrowing and Use

  • Items from the Library of Things collection must be returned to the Circulation Desk at the Warwick Public Library. Do not use the book drop. $5.00 fine if returned to a public library in another community.
  • Items may be borrowed for 21 days unless otherwise specified and may not be renewed. 
  • Checkout is limited to one item per household.
  • Holds may not be placed on items.
  • Borrowers must be 18 years or older.
  • Borrowers must be in good standing with the Library, have a valid Ocean State Libraries library card with a current address on file and no outstanding fines over $5.00.
  • The library reserves the right to refuse service to patrons who abuse the equipment or who are repeatedly late in returning Library of Things items.
  • The library is not responsible for any liability, damages or expense resulting from misuse of the items. 
  • The library cannot provide additional instruction on the operation of items.
  • The overdue fine is $5.00 a day. (Maximum fine $25.00.)
  • The borrower is responsible for costs associated with damage or loss of the item and/or peripherals due to neglect or abuse.

Proper Care and Use

  • As with any tool or device, use care when handling.
  • If any technical problems are encountered, patrons should return the item immediately to the Circulation Desk at the Warwick Public Library. 

Loan Periods and Late Fees

Materials may be checked out for the following loan periods. Please note late fees. Any materials not returned within 30 days of the due date will be charged to the account.

Children's Books, CDs, Books on CD, Magazines 21 days No Late Fees
Magazines 7 days No Late Fees
Books 21 days No Late Fees
7 Day Books 7 days $.50 per day
Music CDs, Books on CD 21 days No Late Fees
All DVDs 1 day, 7 days & 21 days No Late Fees
Museum Passes 1 day $5.00 per day
Hotspots, iPads and Chromebooks 14 days $2.00 per day


  • All items checked out for 21 days may be renewed twice, unless someone is waiting for them.
  • A maximum of 99 items can be checked out at one time.
  • A maximum of 25 holds (requests) can be on a patron's account at one time.
  • A maximum of 10 DVDs can be checked out at one time.
  • The cost of items not returned within 30 days of the due date will be charged to the patron's library account.


Renewing Materials

Renew online at My Account or by calling 739-5440. We honor the loan periods and fine structures of the owning library's items sent through the State's delivery system.

Please see your receipt for due dates, or contact the library for more information: 739-5440.  The cost of items not returned within 30 days of the due date will be charged to the patron's library account. The account will be blocked from usage until the replacement charges are paid or until the items are returned.

The Warwick Public Library makes its meeting rooms available for use by groups and organizations for cultural, informational, educational, and civic purposes. All meetings must be free and open to the public. Room availability is contingent on there being no conflict with library programs or meetings, which have first priority at all times.


Each organization requesting use of the meeting rooms must complete an application before scheduling a meeting at the Library. Applications must be completed by an adult (18+) who assumes responsibility for the group’s usage of the room. The fact that a group is permitted to meet at the Warwick Public Library does not in any way constitute an endorsement of the group's policies and/or beliefs. 



  • No group or organization using the meeting room will discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or handicapped status in the provision of services.
  • No admission fee may be charged, contributions solicited, or dues collected.  The only exceptions are in the case of paid registration at conferences or institutes, held in cooperation with the Library, or payment of fees for regularly scheduled education courses sponsored by nonprofit organizations.
  • Solicitation of library patrons or staff for money, products, services or causes is not permitted. Local businesses may use the space for staff training or in partnership with the library to provide educational opportunities for the public. Political campaigning, including request for signatures for nomination papers or petitions, is not permitted in the building.
  • No product or service may be sold, except in the case of payment for materials required for educational or group discussion use with the express permission of the Library Director.
  • All publicity for meetings held in the Library must carry the name of the organization sponsoring the meeting.  The Library will not take reservations from individuals for particular meetings.  Those reservations must be made through the sponsoring organization.  The Library may not be identified as the sponsor.
  • Groups may not use the name or address of the Warwick Public Library as the official address or headquarters of the organization.
  • Youth organizations using meeting rooms must provide adult supervision at all times.
  • Materials provided for the public during meeting room bookings are different from the Library’s collection of print and non-print materials and are not selected by library staff. The Library does not accept responsibility for the accuracy of statements made in these materials. The fact that a group is permitted to use a meeting room at the Warwick Public Library does not in any way constitute an endorsement of the group's policies and/or beliefs.



  • Library or library-sponsored programs have priority over other uses of the meeting rooms.
  • Meeting rooms may be reserved using the Library’s online room reservation system which can be accessed from the Library’s website www.warwicklibrary.org .  Meeting rooms may also be reserved by telephone at (401) 739-5440 x6 or in person between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.  Meeting rooms may not be reserved more than three months in advance, and no organization may have more than one meeting per month.
  • If a meeting is cancelled, the Library should be notified as far in advance of the date as possible.  Any organization that is a “no show” for two scheduled meetings will have its meeting room privileges revoked or suspended.
  • The Library does not guarantee an ability to fill a request with less than 48 hours notice.
  • The Library provides equipment such as tables, chairs, a lectern, a microphone, portable whiteboard, access to WIFI, and projectors. The Library does not provide office supplies such as flip charts, pens, chalk, etc.}  Room set-up and equipment requests must be made when the room is reserved.
  • The Library is not responsible for anything left behind in the meeting spaces or adjacent spaces.



Use/Care of the Rooms

  • Groups may serve food and beverages at meetings, however the Library does not furnish equipment or supplies, i.e. coffee makers, napkins, cups, etc.   Smoking and alcoholic beverages are prohibited.
  • Groups are responsible for paying for any breakage, damage to library property, or any unusual expenses incurred by the Library as a result of the meeting.
  • The Library is not responsible for security or storage of property owned by groups using the Library, nor is it responsible for damage or loss of property of others.




Approved by Warwick Public Library Board of Trustees 3/27/2013

Revised by Warwick Public Library Board of Trustees on 1/26/2022

Revised by Warwick Public Library Board of Trustees on 9/21/2022

Revised by Warwick Public Library Board of Trustees on 01/18/2023

The Library premises are available for the use of members of the public to meet their needs in accessing information and for quiet enjoyment of library materials and equipment.  As part of its educational mission, the library permits tutoring on the premises in accordance with this policy.

The Library does not sponsor, recommend, or assume liability or responsibility for the work and/or activities of tutors who use library space.  All arrangements must be made between the tutor, student, and parents.



Tutors are asked to observe the following guidelines when tutoring in the library.

  • Tutoring activities are to be confined to study cluster rooms, as well as most open study and reading areas of the library, thus keeping the rest of the library relatively quiet for individual reading and study.  Tutors may not use the Hobbs Quiet Study Room, word processing rooms, the New Books and Magazine area or the tables adjacent to the Reference Desk.
  • There will be no exclusive room use and reservations cannot be made for specific areas.
  • Tutoring sessions must be kept as quiet as possible so as not to disturb other library patrons or library staff.  The Library Behavior Policy applies to all tutor teams.
  • Tutoring sessions will be limited to a maximum of two students per tutor.
  • Tutors are responsible for the behavior of the students being tutored during the tutoring session.
  • Library staff is happy to assist tutor teams, just as they assist any patron of the library.  However, the library staff must be available to all people who come into the Library for help.
  • Tutor teams requiring the use of a computer may borrow a laptop for in-library use.  Adherence to the library’s Electronic Resource & Internet Use Policy is expected.
  • Tutors are responsible for establishing communications protocols for their students and the student’s parents.  Library telephones may not be used to make or cancel appointments.  Library staff will not relay messages to tutors or students.


Approved by the Warwick Public Library Board of Trustees 4/23/08

One of the primary missions of the Library is to provide a variety of services for children of all ages. The Library encourages visits by young children, and it is our desire to make these visits both memorable and enjoyable for the child.


The Library is, however, a public building, and as such, is not necessarily a safe place to leave a child unattended.


A child is considered unattended if they are in the Library without a parent or responsible caregiver over the age of 12. Said parent or caregiver must present with them in the same part of the Library if the child is going to be deemed attended. The Library will abide by the following policy and procedures for dealing with children left unattended in the library.


  1. Children under the age of 10 may not be left unattended for any length of time.  This includes children participating in library-sponsored programs; a parent or other responsible caregiver must remain in the Library during the program.
  2. Parents and other caregivers have a responsibility to know the hours of the Library and to pick up their child before the library closes.  The police may be called if a child of any age is not picked up at closing time.
  3. Under no circumstances will a staff member give a child a ride home.   Staff members may only take children outside for sanctioned library activities.
  4. The Library does not assume responsibility for a child left unattended in the Library.
  5. If a staff member finds an unattended child, under the age of 10, the following steps will be taken:
  • The staff member will determine if the parent is in the Library.  If so, the staff member and child will attempt to locate the parent.
  • If the parent is not in the Library, the staff member will attempt to contact the parent at home or work using information provided by the child, the patron database, or the telephone directory.  If contacted, the parent will be told that their child must be picked up immediately.
  • If the parent cannot be located, or if a contacted parent has not picked up their child within an hour of being called, the staff member will contact the police.
  1. Children 10 and older are considered to be “on their own” in the library.  All Library patrons, regardless of age, are subject to Library rules concerning disruptive behavior.


Approved by Warwick Public Library Board of Trustees 8/27/20003
Revised by Warwick Public Library Board of Trustees on 1/18/2023